Talk on Mental Health Care in Canada

This Wednesday, the 30th at 1 o’clock, Professor Todd Leader, from the Department of Psychology, will be in the Library as part of our Faculty Author Series. His new book, It's Not about Us: The Secret to Transforming the Mental Health and Addiction System in Canada was recently published and he will talk about his research and findings. Here's how it is being described: "... a guide to improving the client experience with the mental health and addiction system across Canada. It examines the traditional and current pathology-oriented medical model, within which all of our services are built and looks at how that model actually prevents the transformation we need. This book presents a new way to think about what it means to be client-centered, not only at an individual level, but also at the level of system-design and operation." Anyone is welcome to join us. That's Room LI135 on the Library's main floor.