There are worse bars in Bangkok....

....but not many. And here you sit, wondering whether you'll ever see Maria (if that's her real name) again, whether the toilet in the hostel has been fixed, what your friends back at Saint Mary's are doing right now.

It seemed like a good idea at the time: take a term off, see some of the world, let the others go to Phuket without you... Too bad you can be homesick anytime, anywhere. You start to think about home, family, school, the library where you spent so many pleasurable hours.

The Web really shrinks the world. You can be in a pounding Thai club, or a dusty cantina in Tijuana, but you're never far from some place that has a five-year-old compaq in a corner where, for a few bucks, you can get on the Net and reconnect virtually with things familiar.

With that in mind, we decided we should offer a virtual tour of the Patrick Power Library. Whether you've been here many times or whether it's your first time, just go to to see/remember what the place looks like and where we've put things . You'll find links to Novanet tutorials too. Have a great trip! Bring us back something nice.


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