Yes, it's 2008!

Have a nice break? Did you miss us?

So, the turkey's history and you can't wait to start writing papers again. Or something like that...

A few library things (old news, new news) we wanted you to know:

- We're back to our usual hours: M-F 8am-11pm, Sat 10am-7pm, Sun noon-11pm

- Need a quick print job? Don't wait in line. We now have express printing in the Reference Room

- If you use APA style and you use electronic sources (who doesn't?), you should be aware that there have been some recent changes to how to cite these. For more information (they can explain it better than I can), go to

- "Due to popular demand" we're trying to find ways of making the library a little less noisy, with a little less conversation (maybe you saw the ad in The Journal a while back?). Do your part, keep it down.

Remember, these next 4 months will fly by and you'll be free again. Or something like that...


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