A (lib)guide for International Students

Libraries around the world have a lot in common - books, computers, desks, good looking staff....

Which is not to say that they're all exactly the same. There are small ones, big ones, gigantic ones. Some have a thousand books, some have a million, some are on wheels!

Students come to Saint Mary's from more than 80 countries so their experiences with libraries can be, literally, "all over the map". Perhaps they took a bus to the nearest rural public library when doing homework research. Or maybe they lived around the corner from the national library in the capital city. For many first year students, their exposure to libraries is confined to the (usually small) one in high school.

So the adjustment to a comparatively large, relatively complex library such as this one can be a challenge for many. International students are used to challenges - it takes a lot to move to a new country and get a university education at the same time! So we've tried to make the library a little more international student-friendly by developing a special guide with their needs in mind. You can find it right here.

It includes information about the library and its resources and services as well as links to various other support services on campus. Have a look and let us know what you think of it - what works, what doesn't work, what we could add. In the meantime, welcome to Saint Mary's. And come see us.


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