Statistics Workshop on Friday

Faculty and staff are invited to a special presentation:

Getting the Most from Canadian Census and Stats Canada Data at Saint Mary's
This informative workshop will be held on Friday, the 18th, from 10:30-12:30, in Room L271. It will:
  • highlight the broad range of information available from the latest census and the wealth of historical information in past census
  • demonstrate how easy it is to access census information for use in your classroom
  • explore advanced statistical research resources and in-depth census data sources available to researchers
  • answer questions about the services offered through the Statistics Canada Atlantic Research Data Centre, as well as Data Liberation Initiative services offered on campus

Presenters will be Sai Choi Chua, Atlantic Research Data Centre, Dalhousie University and Peter Webster, Systems Librarian, Patrick Power Library.

To RSVP or for more information, contact Peter at or 420-5507


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